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  9. International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (IBU-ICSSH2017)

International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (IBU-ICSSH2017)

International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (IBU-ICSSH2017) intends to serve as a platform for a global audience of academics, researchers, and scholars to present their research work and/or on-going research activities in the field of humanities and social sciences, as well as all interrelated disciplines. We invite all interested educators, linguists, psychologists, economists, neuroscientists, artists, PR’s,  political scientists, policy-makers, practitioners and entrepreneurs to share and improve their research, to develop business applications, to gain more knowledge of the challenges of global networking, global business and best practices.

We invite you to discuss the latest research and to share your presentations in front of an international audience in a supportive environment that will enable network establishment, and further help you engage and build relationships and experience Macedonia. IBU-ICSSH17 is to be held in the city of Skopje, which offers a harmonious blend of culture, cuisine, art and architecture. Brimming with unbridled energy, Skopje embodies the finest of both East and West.

A trip will be organized to Tetovo, a city in the northwestern part of Macedonia, built on the foothills of Shar Mountain and divided by the Pena River, and Ohrid, the main tourist destination in Macedonia, rich in picturesque houses, historical monuments and natural sites. 

The first edition of IBU-ICSSH was held on 13-15 May 2016 in Skopje. More than 300 participants from 15 countries, from Macedonia to Turkey, from Poland to United Kingdom, from Netherlands to Ukraine, from Moldova to Slovakia, from Malaysia to Somalia participated at the conference. In a truly international environment, academics, scientists and researchers presented around 200, business, economics, philology, psychology, legal studies, history and arts.

Additional information: ICSSH2017

Последна промяна на 02 Март 2017
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ПУ „Паисий Хилендарски“

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