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  9. PhD Positions at Institute of Science and Technology in Austria

PhD Positions at Institute of Science and Technology in Austria

The Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) is looking for highly qualified candidates with bachelor’s or master’s degrees to apply for ISTScholar PhD program. Fully-funded PhD positions are offered in biology, neuroscience, mathematics, computer science, physics, and data science, in a world-class research environment on the outskirts of Vienna. PhD program is characterized by modern comprehensive training with a special focus on interdisciplinarity, close mentoring by outstanding faculty within small research groups, and access to excellent facilities. Students spend the first year completing coursework and rotations before choosing a thesis group. IST Austria PhD graduates have gone on to top positions in academia and industry all over the world.


  • Highly qualified students from all disciplines of the natural sciences, mathematics, computer sciences, and any related interdisciplinary areas, who are committed to pursuing their scientific career in an international research environment;
  • All applicants must hold a master’s or bachelor’s degree (or equivalent), or anticipate the completion of the degree before September 2016;
  • Be proficient in written and oral English.


All PhD positions are fully funded for the duration of the PhD, paid at internationally competitive rates. Travel bursaries are also available for PhD students in their first year for conference attendance. IST Austria offers internationally competitive PhD salaries co-funded by an EU Marie Curie-Sklodowska grant supporting 4-5 years of study.

How to apply?

The deadline for applications is 8 January 2016. To complete your application, you will need the following:

  • Your resume/CV: include
    • your educational history since high school;
    • relevant work experience;
    • additional qualifications;
    • list of publications (if any);
    • scholarships, awards, etc. (if any).
  • Statement of purpose: a 1-2 page essay in which you explain:
    • why you want to enter our PhD program;
    • the research area(s) you find the most interesting;
    • which professor(s) you may be interested in studying with;
  • Three referees who taught or supervised your work in academic setting.

All applications must be sent using online application form.

For further information about PhD Positions at the Institute of Science and Technology visit official website.

Deadline: 8 January 2016
Open to: highly qualified candidates with bachelor’s or master’s degrees in biology, neuroscience, mathematics, computer science, physics, and data science
Funding: fully-funded, internationally competitive salaries, full social benefits

Последна промяна на 12 Ноември 2015
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