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The Luxembourg Art Prize

The Luxembourg Art Prize is an annual international competition aiming to discover talents, amateur or professional, regardless of age and nationality. The ambition of the Prize is to accelerate the careers of unknown artists by providing them with professional art gallery space, first as part of a group exhibition showcasing the finalists for the Prize and then as a solo exhibition for the winner.

To help the winner prepare and create a solo exhibition at the gallery, a grant of 25,000 euros (about 27,120 USD or 21,208 GBP or 27’015 CHF or 36,425 CAD or 2,991,750 JPY) is awarded by the gallery for the 2017 edition of the prize. For more information please click here.

Последна промяна на 25 Април 2017
ПУ лого

ПУ „Паисий Хилендарски“

Ректорат, ул. „Цар Асен“ 24

Централа: 032/261 261

Технически проблеми (български оператори): 0 700 20 008

Технически проблеми (чуждестранни оператори): +359 882 282 252

БУЛСТАТ: 000455457

PIC: 999848259

2020 - 2025 © Пловдивски университет "Паисий Хилендарски", Университетски информационен център, webmaster@uni-plovdiv.bg