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  9. Докторантска програма на Eвропейския институт във Флоренция

Докторантска програма на Eвропейския институт във Флоренция

The European University Institute is now accepting applications for its Doctoral Programme.

The fully funded four-year Ph.D. programme is an excellent opportunity for master students and other young scholars interested in pursuing doctoral studies in economics, law, history and the social sciences.The European University Institute:

  • Offers one of the largest and most prestigious doctoral and postdoctoral programmes in the social sciences in Europe.
  • Has been fully focused on postgraduate studies for more than 40 years.
  • Hosts an intellectual community of more than 900 scholars from over 60 countries.
  • Has an excellent record in job placement: 69% of EUI Alumni are employed in academic positions, 19% in the private sector or in national governments, 12% in international organisations and EU institutions.
  • Offers 150 grants for a fully funded Ph.D. programme for the next academic year.
  • Is located in beautiful historic buildings in the scenic hills of Florence, Italy.
  • The four departments offer a clearly structured doctoral programme with close academic supervision. Researchers get access to high-level research, and their independent research is supported by excellent on-site facilities, missions and exchange programmes. Academic life at the EUI is deeply international, dynamic and inter-disciplinary, and the research networks formed by the EUI members are enduring and of global scope. Most of the graduates go on to become faculty members in universities, both in their country of origin and around the world.
  • More information: Doctoral Programme. For information on research themes, application requirements, grants and eligibility: http://www.eui.eu/Phd, e-mail: applyres@eui.eu, phone: +39 055 4685 373
  • The call for applications for the academic year 2016/2017 will close on 31 January 2016.
Последна промяна на 19 Ноември 2015
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