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Разпознаваемост и оценка на работата по проекта

Разпознаваемост от външни организации:

Работата на екипа на проект SPEAR получи високо признание от Европейската комисия. В своя наръчник Horizon Europe Guidance on Gender Equality Plans (GEPs), комисията включва редица добри практики за работа в областта на равнопоставеността между жените и мъжете на водещи университети и организации, сред които е и примера за създадената в ПУ „Паисий Хилендарски“ локална мрежа от практици:

"The University of Plovdiv established Communities of Practice to help develop a sustainable approach to gender equality. This includes building a strong sense of community, solidarity and peer support with others facing similar struggles in the organisation. This approach, developed as part of the Horizon 2020 funded SPEAR project, involved engagement with stakeholders, including senior leadership and other stakeholders across the organisation to understand their concerns and priorities. The project then created a series of ongoing engagement and reflection processes exploring experiences and enhancing competences."

През есента на 2021 г. екипът на проекта бе поканен и да представи Плана за равнопоставеност между жените и мъжете на ПУ на обучението "Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) targeting EU Member States and Associated Countries", организирано от Европейската комисия със съдействието на Ecorys.

Оценки от партньори по проекта:

"Dear Plovdiv team, I’m utterly impressed by all the work you have done, which becomes even more impressive when put together in the WP4 report. I might be partial (you are in our LSC after all), but I think you are just incredibly smart and strategic and hard-working"

"I started writing this when I was reading your monitoring deliverable and, again, was so impressed – there is so much we can learn from you, so I just had to interrupt my reading and try to make a meeting happen"

"And one further piece of good news: Our PO could not wait to let us know that she is very pleased with our technical report, our deliverables and the policy recommendations, all of which she thinks are of exceptionally high quality. She congratulated us firmly, saying that SPEAR is in a class of its own out of the nineteen gender projects she supports."

" ... Still so so impressed with all the work you have done at PU during the first 15 months of SPEAR; it has been a delight to read about and really inspiring!!!"

Последна промяна на 14 Юни 2022
ПУ лого

ПУ „Паисий Хилендарски“

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