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Онлайн конференция на ELSEVIER

Онлайн конференция на ELSEVIER за управление, оценка и представяне на научните изследвания с информационната система CRIS.

Конференцията ще се проведе онлайн в периода 09-10 Юни 2021 г от 09:00 до 12:00 часа.

Линк за регистрация: Тук

In an increasingly competitive, complex and dynamic research environment, the needs for tracking and showcasing your research performance leads to weighing the options for investing in (or not) a Current Research Information System, or CRIS. But from interoperability with other systems to reporting needs and challenges to the “build or buy” dilemma, making the decision to implement a CRIS can present its own challenges. 


To help provide a better understanding of the opportunities, and challenges, that come with a CRIS implementation, Elsevier is pleased to invite you to a special two-day virtual event:

Managing, Assessing and Showcasing Research Success with a Current Research Information System (CRIS)

Virtual Forum:
9-10 June 2021

9:00 am - 12:00 pm (CET)

Join us to learn more about CRIS options and opportunities from institutions who have successfully implemented a CRIS to maximize their competitiveness and reaped the benefits of increased visibility, improved total research output and better-informed strategic decisions. 

Валидност до: 2021-06-09; Последна промяна на 2021-06-01 15:50:34
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