Linguistics & Marketing
- English and German & marketing
- English and French & marketing
- English and Spanish & marketing
- English and Russian & marketing
- English and Czech & marketing
- English and Polish & marketing
- English and Serbian with Croatian & marketing
Professional field: Philology
Educational qualification: bachelor
Professional qualification: translating and interpreting, expert philologist
Period of study: 8 semesters (4 years)
Forms of study: regular
Evaluation scoring: see annex #1
This specialty's aim is providing the students complex knowledge in two foreign languages and marketing. With such qualification the graduates could successfully find their professional realization as translators and interpreters in firms, companies, banks, translating bureaus, consulting bureaus, PR agencies, publishing houses, mass-media, libraries, museums, archives and other social, educational and cultural institutions.
The study process includes seven programs: English (basic language) and German (secondary language); English (basic language) and French (secondary language); English (basic language) and Spanish (secondary language); English (basic language) and Russian (secondary language), English (basic language) and Czech (secondary language), English (basic language) and Polish (secondary language) and English (basic language) and Serbian with Croatian (secondary language).
The curriculum includes disciplines focused on the historical and contemporary state of both languages (phonetics, lexical, grammatic and stylistics) as well as disciplines from the sphere of marketing: marketing management, PR, marketing and marketing politics; stock exchange; communication and communication politics; risk analysis; corporative finances; marketing surveys, theory of economics, statistics, economic theories, statistics, sociology of economics, macro economy, Geo economics, basics of law, management and history of economy.
The marketing orientated disciplines give basic knowledge about economy and management, as well as about the marketing process and activities in different marketing areas in the economical life on different management levels. The students with two foreign languages gain competencies and skills for projection and realization of marketing inquiries, development of marketing strategies, techniques and practices for successful marketing realization, stabilization and expanding of the market positions.
The study process of the specialty is realized according to similar study plans for the main (English) and secondary (German, French, Spanish, Russian, Czech, Polish or Serbian with Croatian) languages, differing only by the starting level of the secondary language, which starts from the basics. The curriculum provides the study of the main language to be finished at level C1, and B2 for the secondary language according to the Common European Framework of Reference for languages.
The credit-based system applied allows students mobility in and outside the country.
Последна промяна на 25 Януари 2023