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Bulgarian, History & Cultural management

(This specialty is only available at the affiliated college in Smolyan)

Professional field: Pedagogics
Educational qualification:
Professional qualification:
teacher in Bulgarian language and literature and history with competences in cultural management
Period of study:
8 semesters (5 years)
Forms of study:
regular and external
Evaluation scoring:
see annex #3


The specialty “Bulgarian, History & Cultural management” is new for the Bulgarian University education system and the training in it is only at the Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski” at its affiliated college in Smolyan. The training curriculum is based on two components – Bulgarian language and literature& history, as well as widening the students training in the fields of cultural management in order to gain additional humanitarian knowledge with wider applicability.

This specialty offers the students solid fundamental training in Bulgarian language, literature, history and cultural management. Such interdisciplinary combination offers wide opportunities for realization in different social areas. Linguistic and literature disciplines are studied – historical and contemporary state of Bulgarian language, Bulgarian and foreign literatures, folklore and contemporary culture. From the historical disciplines included the most significant are archeology, ethnology, archival management, antic and medieval, new and contemporary world and Bulgarian history, as well as history of the Balkan nations, Thrace studies, Byzantine studies and study courses in the memorial institutions. The disciplines from the cultural management module form deeper professional competence as well as practical and applicable skills in the forming and realization of projects in the fields of different cultural processes. The eligible disciplines, deliver opportunities for complex, flexible, and practical training adequate to the contemporary tendencies in the educational, social and cultural spheres. The specialty's curriculum includes study excursions and expeditions for fieldwork.

The specialty's curriculum is in accordance with the European system for credits accumulation and transfer. During their education at the specialty “
Bulgarian, history&cultural management”, students have various opportunities for study at European colleges through different international educational programs for student's mobility with full guarantee for recognition of the credits accumulated during their study abroad.

Graduates receive educational degree “bachelor” with professional qualification “teacher in Bulgarian, literature and history, with competences in cultural management”. They could practice scientific, methodical, organizational and management activities in the fields of science and culture, social and economical which require university education.

Competences in cultural management give opportunities for professional realization in the social-cultural sector (theaters, historical institutions – archives, museums, libraries and others); private cultural sector (galleries and publishing houses); cultural industries and creative economies; in the fields of cultural politics; festivals organization and management; cultural events and presentations; PR; and cultural sponsorship of enterprises and firms; at European and international organizations and foundations.

Graduates with educational degree “bachelor” in the specialty could continue their education in master programs in history, literature, cultural studies, European studies as well as in specialized fields of actual Bulgarian philology, cultural tourism and cultural projection, management of scientific research activities, innovations and entrepreneurship; diplomacy and international relations; cultural management; educational management and others.

Last update 18 February 2022

Paisii Hilendarski
University of Plovdiv

Rectorate, Plovdiv, 24 Tsar Assen Str.

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