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English Philology

Professional field: Philology
Educational qualification:
Professional qualification:
philologist, teacher in English language and literature
Period of study:
8 semesters (4 years)
Forms of study:
Evaluation scoring:
see annex #1


English language is the most wide-spread language nowadays – official language in more countries than any other and preferred language for international and multi-cultural communication in the spheres of business, politics, education and science. Professional degree in English is an advantage in all spheres of life.

The specialty
English philology includes thoroughgoing practical study of the language with theoretical training in linguistics and literature. The history of English language is history of accumulating lexical fortune and differentiation of the specifics in the utterance, which is a monolith part of the charm of the English-speaking literature.

The university's program in English language and literature provides fluent transition from school to academical study of the language, while the eligible disciplines included in the study plan allow the students to gather additional profiled knowledge depending on their interests. The department of English language and literature manages to gather specialists, native speakers, which provide additional perspectives and unique (British/American) style of teaching.

This specialty offers opportunities for maximum improvement of the language and communication skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing), integrated usage, gaining new knowledge in various spheres: English-speaking literature and linguistic, cultural, translating and interpreting, fundamental methodical and pedagogical disciplines related to the teaching in English language and literature. Most of the theoretical disciplines are taught in English. 
The applied credit transfer system allows for student mobility in the country and abroad.

Options for professional realization: teachers in English language and literature (in the regular and specialized high-schools); specialists in educational and cultural institutions; interpreters; consultants in language and culture (British and North-American) in local and international governmental and independent organizations and institutions; specialists in the mass media; researchers in the field of linguistics, compared linguistics, literature and history of literature; experts and consultants in Bulgarian and international corporations, tourism, editing, libraries and others; additional education for Master degree and scientific degree Ph. D.

Last update 07 June 2022

Paisii Hilendarski
University of Plovdiv

Rectorate, Plovdiv, 24 Tsar Assen Str.

Telephone: 032/261 261

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