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Acting for theater

Professional field: theater & film arts
Educational qualification:
Professional qualification:
actor in theater
Period of study:
8 semesters (4 years)
Forms of study:
Evaluation scoring:
see annex #1

During the education, based on classical and contemporary systems for acting art, students receive specialized theoretical and practical training in disciplines fundamental for the specialty: Acting, Stage speech(Pronouncing, Speech techniques and Word art), Stage movement, Vocal technique, Dance and others; basic theoretical training in similar humanitarian spheres: History of European theater, History of European literature, Esthetic's, History of plastic arts, Directing for puppet theater. Students also have the opportunities to study eligible disciplines according to their own interests, to choose additional-second specialty or to continue their education for higher educational degree (in different master programs) in order to widen the spheres of their professional realization.

The specialty's curriculum offers integrated education, in which the main lectures and practical courses are led by highly qualified pedagogues and scientist from different humanitarian disciplines. This allows the students to gather knowledge about the main acting tendencies, systems and approaches for developing the scenic images; different views of the acting games and scene realization of the literary texts; different systems of theater and scenic art as well as to gain better understanding of the European cultural heritage and the processes in developing of the European culture from the ancient times until now.

The main educational goal of the fundamental for the specialty discipline – Acting is training actors, which are able to adapt to different theater styles and genres (from the classical psychological theater to the newest modern, theatrical tendencies). Students gain fundamental knowledge and skills from the actors profession: the law of the organic scenic act, the process of scenic transformation, technology of drama and acting analysis, the skills to compose a character as well as skills for critical analysis of drama texts.

The specialty aims forming art and analytical thinking by the students, in order to make them into independent artists, capable of developing actual theater works, to fit into the field of cultural communication by being in actual cultural dialog with dramatists, directors and artists.

Graduates could find their professional realization as actors in:
- theaters;
- cinema;
- television and radio;
- various show programs;
- music formations;
- animation departments of tour-operator
- theater formation at public and art schools

Last update 13 February 2024

Paisii Hilendarski
University of Plovdiv

Rectorate, Plovdiv, 24 Tsar Assen Str.

Telephone: 032/261 261

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Erasmus+ / Perimed / DIGD / DUEcoS

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