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Pedagogics for arts

Professional field: pedagogics
Educational qualification:
Professional qualification:
pedagogue, art teacher
Period of study:
8 semesters (4 years)
Forms of study:
Evaluation scoring:
see annex #1

The specialty's curriculum includes fundamental and applicable courses in several sections:
Philosophy, Psychology, Pedagogics, Theory and history of arts, Theory and methodology of arts, Applicable Arts, Linguistics. These sections include different disciplines, such as Aesthetic, Visual arts, History of Arts, Plastic Anatomy, Perspective, Psychology of Arts, Methodology of Arts and others. Important place among the study disciplines takes the art practice: drawing and painting, sculpture, graphics, decorative arts, graphical design, unconventional arts, computer graphics, photography, which provide for the much needed art practice. Summer school practices are also included – plein airs and educational excursions.

The study curriculum is based on the following priorities:
- education through practice;
- accent on art practice

Graduates from the specialty “Pedagogics for artscould find their professional realization as:
- teacher in arts in the elementary (I-IV classes),
middle (V-VIII classes) and high (IX-XII classes) stages of schooling;
- managers of ateliers (schools) in different types of arts;
- teachers in art disciplines in classes with profiled study of arts (I-VIII classes) and profiled art classes at high-schools (VIII – XII classes);
- teachers in arts in inter schooling centers and social institutions;
- instructors in extra classes in arts, plein airs and others.

Graduates have the competencies to perform scientific and methodical as well as organizational and management activities in the system of education, as well as in institutions with educational functions. The specialized training also provides the students with opportunities for realization as artists in different spheres of arts and computer design.

Notice: Documents for candidates for the specialty “Pedagogics for arts” are not accepted without certificate for successfully passed exam from the commission for examination of the speech and communicational skills. 

Last update 07 June 2022

Paisii Hilendarski
University of Plovdiv

Rectorate, Plovdiv, 24 Tsar Assen Str.

Telephone: 032/261 261

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BULSTAT: BG000455457

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Erasmus+ / Perimed / DIGD / DUEcoS

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