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Elementary education & foreign languages

Professional field: pedagogics
Educational qualification:
Professional qualification:
pedagogue, teacher in elementary education and foreign languages
Period of study:
8 semesters (4 years)
Forms of study:
Evaluation scoring:
see annex #1
see annex #2 for the affiliated college in Kardzali
see annex #3 for the affiliated college in Smolyan

The main educational goals of the specialty are:
- Preparing highly qualified pedagogical staff for the needs of elementary education and other educational institutions;
- Providing deep, general education in foreign languages, psychologically, pedagogical and methodical education;

Graduates from the specialty “Elementary education & foreign languages” are qualified for performing educational tasks in all disciplines from the elementary course. They could also find their professional realization as teachers in foreign languages, in schools, courses and alliances for early-age foreign language education. They are also qualified for other science and methodical as well as organizational and management activities in the system of education or other institutions with educational functions.

The foreign language studied is English. The graduates could continue their education for the higher educational degree master.

Notice: Documents for candidates for the specialty “Elementary education & foreign languages” are not accepted without certificate for successfully passed exam from the commission for examination of the speech and communicational skills.

Last update 07 June 2022

Paisii Hilendarski
University of Plovdiv

Rectorate, Plovdiv, 24 Tsar Assen Str.

Telephone: 032/261 261

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Technical issues (foreign operators):+359 882 282 252

BULSTAT: BG000455457

PIC: 999848259


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