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Ecological Chemistry

Professional field: chemistry
Educational qualification:
Professional qualification:
chemist – expert in ecological chemistry
Period of study:
8 semesters (4 years)
Forms of study:
Evaluation scoring:
see annex #1

For the academical year 2014 – 2015, Faculty of chemistry opens new bachelor program “Ecological chemistry”. The establishment of this specialty was invoked by the increasing need for highly qualified chemists capable of creating and applying methods for analysis, control and refining from anthropogenic contamination of environmental objects (waters, air, soil and biological materials) as well as supervision over waste materials from concentrate production, which are under national or European normative regulation, search and prove of new chemical substances, emitted in the environment in result of humanitarian activities.

Along with the traditional for the professional field of chemistry fundamental knowledge in inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, chemistry and physics, analytical chemistry and chemical technologies, students also gain earnest theoretical and practical training in wide spectrum of profiled disciplines, focused over chemical processes within objects in the living world, sources of contamination and environmental problems, such as toxic chemistry, geological chemistry and mineral studies, atmosphere chemistry, applicable colloid chemistry, methods for analysis and refining of ecological objects, ecology, ecological monitoring and others. The study curriculum also includes basics of chemical informatics, statistics for evaluating and control over contaminations, as well as systems for control over quality of chemical measures and the active regulation documentation in the sphere of ecology.

The combination between the fundamental training in chemistry and the acquired knowledge in identification and control over the contamination of environment and the modern approaches for refining industrial waste are good base for the future specialists for finding successful professional realization in the state structures controlling the environmental preservation. The future bachelors in the specialty “Ecological chemistry” are trained for the following activities:
* work at state structures, providing supervising functions and control over environmental preservation;
* work at control laboratories at the National environmental agency and the Bulgarian association for food control;
* work at firm laboratories, controlling environmental risks and emissions from concrete production (chemical technologies, energetics, pharmacy, cosmetics, agriculture and others);
* participation at teams for implementation of expert knowledge and technologies for refining of contaminated objects;
* executives at development laboratories for creating new technologies for refining environmentally endangered ares;
* participation at European and national projects in the fields of research and restriction of environmental pollutants;
* scientifically applicable research in the field of identification and analysis of risk pollutants.

Motivated students have opportunities for semester scholarships at various European universities.

Simultaneously with the bachelor program “Ecological Chemistry” students could apply for courses for additional qualification available at the faculty.

Graduates with the educational degree “bachelor” could continue their education at various master programs offered at the faculty of chemistry. They also have the necessary training for applying for master programs at any other university at the state or abroad.

Last update 13 February 2014

Paisii Hilendarski
University of Plovdiv

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