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Informational technologies, mathematics and educational management

Professional field: Pedagogics
Educational qualification:
Professional qualification:
Teacher in mathematics, informatics and informational technologies with competencies in the educational management
Period of study:
8 semesters (4 years)
Forms of study:
Evaluation scoring:
see annex #1
see annex #3 for the affiliated college in Smolyan

The specialty provides basic wide profiled training in informational technologies, mathematics and informatics, as well as the needed for the working in the field of education discipline such as psychology, pedagogics, methods and management of education. Graduates have fundamental knowledge in the fields of informational technologies and work with computer networks, operational systems, data bases, computer graphic, object-orientated programming, structures of data and algorithm, as well as in various mathematic fields such as: algebra, geometry, differential and integral calculus, statistics and calculus methods, discreet mathematics, differential equations. As teachers, graduates are qualified in: psychology; pedagogics; methods of education in mathematics; informatics and informational technologies; school courses in algebra, geometry, analysis, informatics and informational technologies. Through different eligible disciplines, students gain additional preparation in disciplines they are more interested in – in the fields of mathematics, informatics and informational technologies, pedagogics, economics, business, law, psychology, philosophy, linguistic and others. During the educational process, they also gain additional skills and knowledge such as independent research and gathering of needed information through literature and Internet, development, forming and multimedia presenting of various projects, reports and messages, exceptional level of English in the field of specialty studied.

The fundamental training in informational technologies, mathematics, informatics and management, provides opportunities for professional realization as teachers, tutors, and principals in the school system, as managers in local inspectorates and other educational management structures. After graduating master degree, students could continue their education for the scientific degree PhD and find professional realization as lecturers and researchers in the higher education system or scientific institutes. 

Last update 07 June 2022

Paisii Hilendarski
University of Plovdiv

Rectorate, Plovdiv, 24 Tsar Assen Str.

Telephone: 032/261 261

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Erasmus+ / Perimed / DIGD / DUEcoS

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