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Professional field: History and archeology
Educational qualification:
Professional qualification:
archaeologist and teacher in history
Period of study:
8 semesters (4 years)
Forms of study:
Evaluation scoring:
see annex #1

Specialty “Archeology” is studied in the professional field “History and Archeology” in which it got its university accreditation. The archaeological and cultural&historical fortune of Thrace and its center – Plovdiv are among the main motives for its development.
The great amount of cultural monuments of prehistorical, ancient and middle-aged periods, among with the traditions in the archeology in other Bulgarian and foreign universities form the frame of the study program and the disciplines studied.

The study plan at the specialty Archeology as made concerning the NEAA for gaining the educational degree “bachelor”.
It includes several modules, including obligational and eligible disciplines. Opportunity for study of pedagogical disciplines is provided, which are separated in eligible module for gaining additional pedagogical qualification for teacher of history.
The curriculum includes all main archaeological and historical disciplines. These are included, so the students gain deeper knowledge in the main sectors of the Bulgarian archeology – prehistoric, Thracian, classic and middle-aged archeology. Additionally auxiliary archaeological and historical disciplines are studied – such as archaeological anthropology, numismatics, antique and middle-aged epigraphy, church archeology, Christian art and classical languages – Latin, Greek, Old church-slavonic(eligible).

The extracurricular activities of the students include three obligational archaeological terrain expeditions and museum visitations. They are done in the summer months after I, II, and the III year, under the direct supervision of teachers from the specialty. The curriculum also includes two study excursions: “Antique cultural and historical heritage of Bulgaria” and “The old Bulgarian capitals”. Through the established students historical and archaeological club “Prof. V. Velkov” at the department of history and different inter-university contracts, students also have opportunities for international state and abroad expeditions.

During the study process, students also have opportunities for developing their foreign language skills at the foreign languages center. The educational process at the specialty “Archeology” for gaining bachelor degree, ends with state exam in archeology or thesis defense (6 ECTS credits) and integrated practically applicable state exam for gaining the qualification for “teacher in history (4 ECTS credits).
The University center for Christian art and culture “St. Apostle Erm” provides the students with additional opportunities for widening their knowledge about orthodox archaeological monuments.

Successfully graduated students, could find their professional realization as specialists in museums, scientific and cultural institutions, the higher and high school education system, as experts in the fields of culture and historical heritage and others.

Last update 13 February 2024

Paisii Hilendarski
University of Plovdiv

Rectorate, Plovdiv, 24 Tsar Assen Str.

Telephone: 032/261 261

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