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Telecommunications & Management

Professional field: Physics
Educational qualification:
Professional qualification:
engineer-physicist in the sphere of telecommunications with management competences
Period of study:
8 semesters (4 years)
Forms of study:
Evaluation scoring:
see annex #1

Education in the specialty “Telecommunications and management” provides the students with the necessary technical and economical knowledge in the field of telecommunications, as well as helps them develop abilities for business decisions – the necessary knowledge for any effective manager in the telecommunication business.

The specialty includes all aspects of nowadays electronic communications, such as courses in the fields of digital technologies and networks, optic communications, informational technologies, computer networks, communication systems and technologies, courses in innovations and entrepreneurship, marketing research, economy of technical changes, intellectual property, projects management.

The educational process is based on up to date Internet based methods of training and communication with the students in Internet based DIPSEIL environment, which allows the students to work and study simultaneously.

Students receive wide profiled training,which is guarantee for successful professional realization in the state and abroad. The specific aspects of training are provided through practical specializations, which guarantee successful professional realization. Graduates from the specialty “
Telecommunication & Management” are qualified to:
- deal with technical and economical issues in the sphere of telecommunications as well as organize implementation of innovations in this field;
- organize diagnostic, administration and trade activities at the telecommunication companies
- creatively apply the knowledge gained during their study, in the fields of contemporary communications and practice;

After graduating bachelor degree, student could continue their education for the educational degree ''master'' at the Faculty of Physics at the Plovdiv University, or at other higher education institution.

Last update 07 June 2022

Paisii Hilendarski
University of Plovdiv

Rectorate, Plovdiv, 24 Tsar Assen Str.

Telephone: 032/261 261

Technical issues (bulgarian operators): 0 700 20 008

Technical issues (foreign operators):+359 882 282 252

BULSTAT: BG000455457

PIC: 999848259


Erasmus+ / Perimed / DIGD / DUEcoS

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