
Bulgarian Language Exams

If you want to study in Plovdiv university "Paisii Hilendarski", you speak Bulgarian at level B2 and don't want to enroll to the One-Year Preparatory Course you can take exams in all the subjects of the curriculum. The Certivicate is recognised in all Bulgarian universities.

If you speak Bulgarian and need a document certifying this, for example to an employer or for other purposes, you can take an exam in Bulgarian here. The exam is written and oral and is taken before a committee. After passing the examination you receive a document with an entered level of proficiency (A2 – C2) in accordance with the European Language Framework.


Last update 01 March 2021

Paisii Hilendarski
University of Plovdiv

Rectorate, Plovdiv, 24 Tsar Assen Str.

Telephone: 032/261 261

Technical issues (bulgarian operators): 0 700 20 008

Technical issues (foreign operators):+359 882 282 252

BULSTAT: BG000455457

PIC: 999848259


Erasmus+ / Perimed / DIGD / DUEcoS

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