
One-Year Preparatory Course

If you are a foreign citizen and want to study in Bulgaria, this course is for you. It is intended mainly for future students at Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski” but is also open to all the others wishing to study Bulgarian intensively. The expected level of proficiency at the end of the course is B2 according to the European Language Framework.

The duration of the course training is one school year, from October to July. The school week is five days long, and there are six school hours of 45 minutes each a day. The curriculum is approved by The University Academic Council and includes over 1000 school hours – 800 of which in Bulgarian language, 300 in Bulgarian language for Specific Purposes (as regards the students’ choice of the field of qualification).  

The course also includes events related to the history and culture of the Bulgarian people – creative workshops, a film program, expeditions, visits to museums, natural landmarks, theatre and opera performances, etc.

As part of the training, we annually organize the Bulgarian Language Olympiad, which includes two sections - translation of fiction and an essay competition.

At the end of the course students take exams in all the subjects studied. Successful graduates receive a certificate, which entitles them to continue their studies both at Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski" and at other universities in the country.

People who speak Bulgarian can take exams in all the subjects of the curriculum and are excused from passing the one-year preparatory course.


Intensive Bulgarian Language Practice Course (60 hours)

 This course is for you if:

  • you are a foreign citizen, you live in Bulgaria and you want to learn Bulgarian or improve your knowledge;
  • if you are a student, you speak Bulgarian at level B2 and you want to increase the level of your language competence.

The duration of the course is 60 academic hours per level of the European Language Framework (A1 - C1). The training is carried out in small groups (up to 10 students in each one).

You study at a time convenient for you, and the schedule of classes is agreed upon with the lecturer.

Individual training in Bulgarian Language (including profiling subjects)

If you don’t have time to attend a group course or you want to study subject matter related to a particular topic, this course is for you. It is up to you to make a decision how many times a week you are willing to attend classes, how much time they should take, what subject matter they should focus on, and how intensive  the training should be.

If you start on the individual training program to prepare for the exam in Bulgarian language, you should know that each level of language competency (from A1 to C1) requires between 90 to 120 academic hours.

The price list of the courses is published on the website of the Department of Language and Specialized Training of Foreign Students


One-Year Course in Bulgarian Language for students of Bulgarian origins admitted by the Decree №103 and №228 issued by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria

This course is for you if you are a student of Bulgarian origins and study at one of the faculties of Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski”. At the beginning of the first year of your studies you will go through a placement test in Bulgarian. Depending on the results, you will be directed to one of the 2 groups of training – beginners (120 hours) or intermediate (90 hours).

The course is obligatory and ends up with final exam.

It is free of charge for you.


Courses for Students and Lecturers on Academic Exchange Programs at Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski” (60 academic hours)

These courses are for you if you are a participant in an exchange program for students and lecturers (Erasmus, CEEPUS, Fulbright, etc) and wish to study Bulgarian parallel to your major specialty.

Each of the courses that you can choose is 60 academic hours per semester and awards 5 credits. Each course ends up with an exam and the grade is filled in the academic transcript of subjects.

The list of the courses is published on the website of the Department of Language and Specialized Training of Foreign Students

Your participation in the courses is free of charge.

Last update 29 October 2024

Paisii Hilendarski
University of Plovdiv

Rectorate, Plovdiv, 24 Tsar Assen Str.

Telephone: 032/261 261

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