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The research activity includes different aspects of natural and social studies. The following streams are significantly active:

* Informatics & informational technologies
* Microbiology & biotechnologies
* Research over the management of natural resources
* Environmental preservation
* Optoelectronic & laser technologies
* Synthesis of new organic and inorganic materials
* Radioactive research over soil, water and air
* Research over the biological diversity in Bulgaria, for the purposes of preserving the natural land race genetics
* Problems in the higher education
* Research over the language, literature and the culture of the region, country, the Slavonic and west european countries
* Research over the personality
* Social, religion and ethnic identities

At the ASA (section for applied science activities) over 120 contracts are developed annually, financed by the following sources:
1. International programs
2. Contracts with the “National Fund for Scientific Research”
3. Fund “Scientific research” at the Plovdiv University Paisii Hilendarski
4. Business contracts

Last update 12 July 2013

Paisii Hilendarski
University of Plovdiv

Rectorate, Plovdiv, 24 Tsar Assen Str.

Telephone: 032/261 261

Technical issues (bulgarian operators): 0 700 20 008

Technical issues (foreign operators):+359 882 282 252

BULSTAT: BG000455457

PIC: 999848259


Erasmus+ / Perimed / DIGD / DUEcoS

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