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Biology, Human behavior and Healt

(This specialty is only available at the affiliated college in Smolyan)

Professional field: Biology
Educational qualification:
Professional qualification:
biologist, consultant in the sphere of positive psychology
Period of study:
8 semesters (4 years)
Forms of study:
Evaluation scoring:
see annex #3

The specialty “Biology, human behavior and health” is an innovative specialty, available only at the Plovdiv University's affiliated college in Smolyan.
The education for the educational degree bachelor at the specialty “
Biology, human behavior and health” is in accordance with the goals formulated for the Strategy for developing the Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski”, based on interdisciplinary approaches, combining biological, psychological and philosophic disciplines about the human nature, behavior and factors which influence it, as well as the opportunities to implement the knowledge gained in order to achieve physical and spiritual wellness for the individual.

This specialty offers the students complex interdisciplinary approach, based on fundamental biological, psychological, ethical, medicinal and hygienic as well as social disciplines. The education at this specialty is focused on training the students in developing skills for experimentation and analysis, team work, gaining and maintenance of trust, conflict overcome and management, adequate psychological and social evaluation, self-evaluation and self-improvement.

Planned with the above mentioned disciplines and the exceptional material base provided, the specialty “
Biology, human behavior and health” guarantees serious, high quality preparation for the future biologists, providing them with theoretical knowledge and practical skills focused on the personal physical and spiritual wellness

The integrated teaching approach by realizing the study process is accomplished by highly qualified lecturers in biology and psychology – professors, docents and PhD students from the Faculties of biology, pedagogics and the Faculty of Philosophy and History at the Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski”.

The obligational, eligible and facilitative disciplines from the specialty's curriculum offer the students various approaches and techniques for research and work over concrete problematics. Each course finishes with terrain practical work and training.

Graduates from the specialty “
Biology, human behavior and health” receive professional qualification “biologist” with specific theoretical knowledge and practical skills for consulting in the sphere of positive psychology, based on the connection between biology, psychology, spirituality and health. Thanks to their wide preparation in the field of psychology, graduates from this specialty could find their professional realization in the educational system and health care, various social institutions, social care and the employment bureaus. 

Last update 18 February 2022

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