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The Faculty of Law is an autonomic faculty at the Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski” for educating students in the sphere of law. Its main objective is preparing highly qualified lawyers for work in the fields of justice, the state institutions, protection of civil rights and support for the activities of different entities.

Established in 1992., formed its traditions within its education activities, nowadays the Faculty is a well functioning chain in the University and is especially proud of its:

* Extremely high level of its staff.

Significant amount of the lecturers are scientists with long scientific and teaching experience from the institute of law from BSA and the SU “Kliment Ohridski”.

* Modern and strictly observed plan of lecturing.

The lecturing plan includes all obligational disciplines according to the state regulations. Among with above mentioned obligational disciplines, our students study the “modern” nowadays disciplines such as copyright, patent right, human rights, right for the institutions of the European Union, law for state service. The study conspectus includes elective disciplines, thus allowing the students to get additional knowledge in certain spheres of the law science.

* Precise selection of students, motivated for the highest achievements.

Faculty graduates often find their professional realization as indisputable professionals. Many of them are judges, prosecutors, investigators, lawyers, jurisconsults and others.

* Good contacts with recognized faculties of law.

Lecturers at the FL get their additional specializations in universities in Western Europe. Established practice is having foreign lecturers delivering lectures at the Faculty.

* Specialized Library.

The Faculty of Law has autonomic library, regularly supplied with studying materials – books and magazines from the sphere of law.

* Education of foreign students.

We have foreign students from Macedonia, Greece, Albania, Ukraine, Russia, China, Syria.

* Participation in the European Union programs “Socrates” for students and lecturers mobility.

Bilateral contracts with the universities in Austria /Saltzbourg and Lintz/, France /Nant/ and The United Kingdom /Oxford/ and Greece /Thessaloníki/.

* Lecturing in English is available for the students from the European Union.

Last update 24 November 2021

Paisii Hilendarski
University of Plovdiv

Rectorate, Plovdiv, 24 Tsar Assen Str.

Telephone: 032/261 261

Technical issues (bulgarian operators): 0 700 20 008

Technical issues (foreign operators):+359 882 282 252

BULSTAT: BG000455457

PIC: 999848259


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