Home » Structure » Faculties » FACULTY OF HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY


The Faculty of History and Philosophy was established 13.05.2004. after voting at the CM. Nowadays students at the faculty get their higher education in 9 specialties – Archeology, Ethnology, History, Social Anthropology, Sociology and human studies, Sociology of Law, Economics and Innovations, Theology and Philosophy. Overall annual amount of accepted students is 239.

The beginning of the faculty was in 1994 when for first time in Bulgaria education in the field of Ethnology was established and profile Sociology an year later – in 1995. The first department “Ethnology and Sociology” was formed within the Faculty of Philology. The same year department of History was established. Independent education in History and Philosophy started in 2002, Archeology and Theology in 2008. Profile Social Anthropology was established in 2010. The newest profiles are Sociology and human studies, Sociology of Law, Economics and innovations, which started accepting new students in 2012. All profiles and scientific specializations have successfully passed program

During the present school year the faculty offers 9 master degree programs.

During its existence, at the Faculty of History and Philosophy 13 Ph.D. students have completed their education, 6 of which successfully gained the academic degree “doctor”. In the context of the Ph.D. programs, such have been developed in the areas of Ethnology, Social anthropology, Sociology and the cultural sciences. All of above mentioned have received the highest degree for their accreditation.

Functional credit-based system is established on all stages of the educational process.

The Faculty's main objective is organizing and realizing of the educational process in the nine specialties. Simultaneously scientific research activities are organized in five research centers: “Science, technologies, innovations”, Center for anthropological and ethnosociological research”, “Center for philosophy and psychic health”, “University center for Christian art and culture”. The wide variety of specialties and specialists at the FHF offers resources for interdisciplinary research.

The staff at the faculty is 59 people in 6 departments: “Ethnology”, “Theology”, “Sociology and human sciences”, “History and Archeology”, “Applied and institutional sociology” and “Philosophy”. The lecturers at the FHF deliver lectures and courses for the students at the other faculties and affiliated colleges of the Plovdiv University too - the faculties of Philology, Pedagogics, Economy and social studies, the colleagues in Smolyan and Kardzali.

The faculty has a computer hall and local area computer network.

Last update 24 November 2021

Paisii Hilendarski
University of Plovdiv

Rectorate, Plovdiv, 24 Tsar Assen Str.

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