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Regulatory Framework


For the Structure and Activity  of the Student Council of “Paisii Hilendarski” University of Plovdiv

Section I General provisions


Art. 1. The Student Council (SC) is a protection authority of the common interests of the students at “Paisii Hilendarski” University of Plovdiv.

Art. 2. SC of "Paisii Hilendarski" University of Plovdiv carries out its activity according to the Higher Education Act, the Regulations of "Paisii Hilendarski" University of Plovdiv and these regulations.

Art. 3. These regulations regulate the activity, organization and structure of the SC and the interactions of the SC and the university administration.

Art. 4. SC is a legal representative of all students and doctoral students studying at "Paisii Hilendarski" University of Plovdiv, based on the delegating norm of Art. 72 of the Higher Education Act.

Art. 5. (1) All students and doctoral students in "Paisii Hilendarski" University of Plovdiv have the right to elect and be elected at the constitution of the SC and its authorities and to participate in the amendment of the regulations of the SC.

(2) Privileges and restrictions related to age, sex, race, nationality, social origin and status, political views and religion shall not be allowed in the constitution of the SC and its authorities.

(3) The members of the SC shall not have the right to carry out political, party and sectarian and religious activity in the SC and on its behalf.

(4) The Student Council has the right to:

  1. to organize the election of its representatives in the governing bodies of the university, as well as in the Council of Trustees;
  2. to make proposals for introduction of additional academic disciplines;
  1. to make proposals for invitation of external lecturers;
  1. to organize the creation of scientific specialized student communities and the publication of their works;
  1. if necessary to create and manage its organizational units;
  1. to establish domestic and international educational, cultural and postgraduate contacts between the students;
  1. to express an opinion and make proposals for the development of the sports activity in the university;
  1. to participate in the management of the student dormitories;
  1. to participate in the organization of the educational process, the distribution of the scholarships and the assistance for the students;
  1. to participate with its representatives in the monitoring of the internal system for evaluation and maintenance of the quality of the education and of the academic staff in the university, as well as in the elaboration of the questions for research of the student's opinion.


Section 2. Constitution

Art. 6. (1) The mandate of the students and doctoral students in SC is 2 years with the right to be elected for a maximum of two mandates.

(2) At the end of the mandate of the SC, the Chairman shall propose a Central Student Election Commission (CSEC), which shall conduct the election for the SC after being voted by the General Assembly of the SC.

(3) The members shall be elected by the General Assembly by a simple majority. The CSEC organizes and conducts the election procedures for all SC authorities. The CSEC elects quaestors to conduct the voting.

(4) The quaestors shall perform the counting of the votes in the General Assembly in case of open voting. If the vote is by secret ballot, the Quaestors distribute the ballots, count the votes and announce the results.

Art. 7. (1) The Student Council shall be convened at a constitutive meeting by the Chairman of the former SC within two weeks after holding elections for filling the composition of the General Assembly of "Paisii Hilendarski" University of Plovdiv from the quota of students.

(2) The first meeting of the SC shall be opened by the Chairman of the former SC. He/she presents a report on the activities of the previous term of office and chairs the meeting until the election of the Chairman of the SC.

(3) Under the chairmanship of the former Chairman, debates may be held only on the report on the activity of the previous SC and on the election of a Chairman of the new SC.

(4) In case no Chairman and Vice-chairman are elected at the first meeting, the election shall be postponed for the next meeting.




Section 3. Authorities of the SC


Chapter 1. General



Art. 8. (1) Authorities of the SC are:


  1. General Assembly of the members of the SC;
  1. Management Board (MB);
  2. Supervisory Board (SB);
  1. Chairman;
  1. Vice-Chairmen;
  1. Secretariat;
  1. Commissions.
  1. Cashier

(2) The members of the governing authorities of the SC shall have a two-year term.

(3) The members of the governing authorities of the SC shall be obliged to attend regularly the meetings, convened in due order, as well as to participate in at least one commission.

(4) The meetings of the bodies of the SS may be opened, unless otherwise provided by the these Regulations.



Chapter 2. Convening and conducting the General Assembly of the SC


Art. 9. (1) The General Assembly of SC consists of representatives of students and doctoral students in the General Assembly of "Paisii Hilendarski" University of Plovdiv on the grounds of art. 72, paragraph 1 of the Higher Education Act.

(2) By decision of the Management Board may be made partial changes in the composition of the General Assembly, caused by graduation of students and doctoral students, pregnancy, childbirth, parental leave, going abroad for more than 4 months during the academic year, systemic violations under these Regulations and non-participation in the activities of the SC.

Art. 10. (1) The General Assembly shall be convened by the Chairman of the SC at least twice a semester on his/her proposal.

(2) The General Assembly shall hold an extraordinary meeting both at the request of the Chairman of the SC and at the request of 1/4 of the members of the General Assembly or the Chairman of the Supervisory Board.

(3) In the cases referred to the previous paragraph the General Assembly shall be convened by the Chairman within 14 days from the occurrence of important circumstances, requiring the attention of the General Assembly or from the receipt of the request.

(4) In case of refusal of the Chairman to convene an extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly of the SC, although the conditions under paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 are available, an extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly of the SC may be convened by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board.

Art. 11. The Secretariat of the SC notifies the members of the General Assembly of the agenda, time and place of the meeting.

Art. 12. (1) The meeting of the General Assembly shall be valid if more than 1/3 of the list members are present. The number of present members of the General Assembly is determined by counting the participants.

(2) In the absence of a quorum under paragraph 1 the sitting shall be adjourned for up to 30 minutes. If even then there is no quorum, the meeting is scheduled for another date no later than 7 days from the convened meeting.

(3) In determining the quorum under paragraph 1 of the list shall be excluded the persons absent due to pregnancy, birth and parental leave, training abroad, due to illness, resigned and excluded members of the SC. The total number of these persons may not be more than a quarter of the number of persons on the list of the members.

(4) In case of absence of a member of the General Assembly according to the order of these Regulations and / or in case of impossibility to participate in the activity of the General Assembly any member of the General Assembly with a written request to the Chairman of the General Assembly may resign from the General Assembly. At the next General Assembly of "Paisii Hilendarski" University of Plovdiv the resigned member is replaced by a representative from the same faculty.

(5) The meeting of the General Assembly shall be chaired by the Chairman.

(6) The meetings of the General Assembly shall be public, unless otherwise decided.

Art. 13. (1) The General Assembly shall take decisions by a majority of more than half of the members present at the meeting, unless otherwise specified in these Regulations.

(2) The General Assembly shall take decisions by a majority of more than half of the list members in case of:

  1. Amendment of these regulations;
  2. Election and discharge of the Chairman of the SC;

Art. 14. (1) The General Assembly shall take its decisions by open voting, unless otherwise provided by the order of these Regulations.

(2) The General Assembly shall take its decisions by secret ballot in the following cases:

  1. Election and discharge of the Chairman of the SC;
  2. In all cases, when the General Assembly decides to hold a secret ballot.

Art. 15. Powers of the General Assembly of the SC:

  1. Adopts and amends the Regulations for the structure and activity of the SC;
  2. Elects the chairman, Vice-chairmen and the secretary of the SC;
  1. Elects the Management Board;
  2. Elects the members of the Supervisory Board;
  1. Discusses and adopts the annual report of the Chairman on the state of the Student Council, as well as guidelines for its development;
  1. The General Assembly of the SC expresses opinions and proposals for the development of the educational activity to the competent university bodies;
  1. The General Assembly of the SC participates in the management of the student dormitories through its body - "Scholarships and dormitories" Commission, on the grounds of art. 73, paragraph 1 (8) of the Higher Education Act;
  2. Decides to discharge a member of the General Assembly, as well as other bodies of the SC, if he/she was absent from more than 50% of the meetings of the body in which he/she was elected, for one academic year, unless otherwise provided in this Regulations;
  1. Approves the budget of the SC;
  1. Votes decisions made on the proposal of the Management Board;
  2. Each of the members of the General Assembly has the right to an advisory capacity in the Management Board, if the meeting is not closed to the public.
  1. The General Assembly of the SC elects its representatives in the General Assembly of the University on the grounds of Art. 72, paragraph 2 of the Higher Education Act.
  1. The General Assembly of the SC elects its representatives to participate in the Academic Council of "Paisii Hilendarski"University of Plovdiv.



Chapter 3. Management Board (MB)


Art. 16. (1) The Management Board of the SC is the governing body.

(2) The Management Board shall be elected for a term of two years. The members of the Management Board may be elected for a maximum of one more term.

Art. 17. (1) The Management Board shall consist of: the Chairman, the Vice-Chairmen, an expert "Human Resources", the Secretary of the SC and the Cashier.

(2) The "Human Resources" expert shall be elected from among the members of the SC by a simple majority of the General Assembly on the proposal of the Chairman of the SC for a term of 2 years, in order to:


  1. Be responsible for the selection, training and motivation of SS members.
  2. Proposes for removal members of the SC who cannot perform their duties as a result of personal demotivation, stay abroad for more than 6 months, by applying for resignation from the SC, in case of systematic non-fulfillment of the obligations, or in case of semester termination.
  3. The "Human Resources" expert undertakes to provide all necessary information to the new expert at the end of his / her term.


(3) The ex-chairman, as well as the coordinators of the commissions "Sports" and "Public relations, cultural and social activities" shall have the right of advisory capacity.

(4) In view of continuity, the ex-chairman shall be obliged to attend the meetings of the Management Board from 3 to 6 months after the election of a new Chairman.

Art. 18. (1) The meetings of the Management Board shall be public, unless the members of the Management Board decide otherwise.

(2) The decision to hold the meeting behind closed doors shall be taken by a simple majority - more than half of the members of the Management Board.

(3) The Management Board shall be convened by the Chairman at least twice a month.

Art. 19. (1) The meeting of the Management Board shall be regular when more than half of all members of the Management Board are present.

(2) If there is no quorum under paragraph 1 at the announced time of the meeting, it shall be postponed for 30 minutes.

(3) In the case under paragraph 2, if even after the postponement there is no quorum, the meeting shall be postponed and a new date shall be scheduled, but not later than 7 days.

Art. 20. (1) The voting in the Management Board is open, unless otherwise provided by the order of these Regulations.

(2) The voting in the Management Board may also be secret on the proposal of a member of the Management Board and after this proposal has been adopted by the Management Board by a simple majority.

(3) The members of the Management Board who oppose the decision taken by the Management Board by a simple majority, shall sign the verbatim report of the meeting with a "special opinion", having the right to state in writing their reasons why they oppose the decision.

(4) All members of the Management Board have one equal vote.

Art. 21. Powers of the Management Board:

  1. Prepares a draft budget for the specified academic year and proposes it for approval to the General Assembly of the SC, implementing it by approving the financial statements;
  1. Creates and manages organizational units in order to support its activities;
  1. Discusses the received projects and decides on their implementation, rejection or eligibility;
  1. Prepares drafts for decisions, which are proposed for voting at the General Assembly of the SC;
  2. Implements the decisions of the General Assembly;
  3. Takes decisions for the work in progress of the SC;
  4. Reports its activity to the General Assembly;
  5. Approves by voting the internal acts of the commissions;
  6. Appoints temporary commissions.
  7. Determines the number of commissions, the number of members and their management.
  8. Elects and discharges the members of the commissions at the General Assembly of the SC.



Chapter 4. Chairman of the SS


Art. 22. (1) The Chairman of SC shall manage and coordinate the general activity of SC.

(2) The Chairman of the SC may be elected for a maximum of two terms.

(3) During his/her term of office the Chairman shall not have the right to participate in governing bodies of political or trade union organizations.

Art. 23. The Chairman shall be elected by the General Assembly of the SC with a qualified majority under Art. 13, paragraph 2.

Art. 24. Powers of the Chairman of the SC:

  1. Officially represents the SC before the governing bodies of the university, the main and service units in it.
  2. Organizes the implementation of the decisions of the General Assembly and the Management Board;
  1. Signs all official documents of the General Assembly and the Management Board, except in the cases provided for in these Regulations, or if the General Meeting of the Supervisory Board decides otherwise;
  1. He/She is a member of the Management Board of the SC by law;
  1. Submits received projects for consideration by the Management Board;
  1. Empowers in writing one of the Vice-Chairmen to represent the SC in his/her absence or inability to temporarily perform his/her duties;
  1. Schedules the meetings of the Management Board and the General Assembly;
  1. Chairs and manages the meetings of the Management Board and the General Assembly of the SC, if he/she has not authorized another member to do so;
  1. Makes a proposal to the Academic Council for replacement of a member of the General Assembly of the SC of the next General Assembly of "Paisii Hilendarski" University of Plovdiv in the case of Article 15 (8) after a decision of the General Assembly of the SC.

Art. 25. (1) The powers of the Chairman shall be terminated:

  1. Upon the expiration of his/her term of office;
  1. By resigning;
  1. After a request of 1/3 of the members of the General Assembly and voting by the order of art. 14, paragraph 2 (1);
  1. By graduation or termination of his/her training;
  1. With departure abroad for more than 6 months;
  1. Due to pregnancy, childbirth and parental leave.

(2) The Chairman shall continue to exercise his/her powers until the election of a new chairman.




Chapter 5. Vice-Chairmen



Art. 26. (1) The Vice-Chairmen shall be elected by a simple majority of the General Assembly of the SC on the proposal of the Chairman.

(2) The Vice-chairmen shall assist the Chairman in exercising his/her powers.

(3) One of the Vice-chairmen, authorized in writing by the Chairman, shall replace him/her in his/her absence.

(4) The Vice-chairman may not delegate powers given to him/her by the Chairman to another.

Art. 27. Three Vice-chairmen shall be elected, who shall also be coordinators for the relevant committees:

  1. “Scholarships and Dormitories” Commission
  1. “Information and Technical Service” Commission
  1. "Teaching, design and research activities" Commission

Art. 28. The coordinator of the “Scholarships and Dormitories” Commission:

  1. Organizes the activity of the student quota in the Commission for social and living issues of the students of “Paisii Hilendarski” University of Plovdiv.
  1. Monitors the legality of acts of the commission.
  1. He/She is responsible for the selection and exclusion of members from the student quota in Commission for social and living issues of the students of “Paisii Hilendarski” University of Plovdiv.

Art. 29. The coordinator of the “Information and Technical Service” Commission:

  1. Organizes and maintains the information system related to SC.
  2. Organizes and coordinates the implementation of information and advertising campaigns aimed at promoting the SC.
  3. He/She is responsible for maintaining the information boards of the SC.

Art. 30. The coordinator of "Research, teaching, design and international activities":

  1. Makes proposals for the introduction of additional subjects.
  2. Makes proposals for supplementing or changing the schedule.
  3. Makes proposals for inviting external lecturers.
  4. Organizes and coordinates the holding of student research conferences and the publication of student works.
  5. Organizes and coordinates the creation and activities of projects concerning SC.
  6. Coordinates international cooperation with other student and youth organizations abroad.

Art. 31. (1) The Vice-chairmen may be re-elected for a maximum of one more term.

(2) The powers of the  Vice-chairmen shall be terminated on one of the grounds under art. 25, paragraph 1 (1 – 6).

(3) The Vice-chairmen shall be obliged after the expiration of their mandate to transmit all the necessary information to the new Vice-chairmen.



Chapter 6. Secretariat


Art. 32. (1) The Secretariat shall be a subsidiary body of the SC.

(2) The Secretariat shall consist of:

  1. Secretary of the SC;
  2. Shorthand-typists.

Art. 33. The Secretary by law is the coordinator of "Legal and administrative matters, complaints and proposals" Commission.

Art. 34. The Secretariat prepares the holding of the meetings of the General Assembly of the SC as:

  1. Provides the necessary materials;
  2. Technically ensures the preparation and adoption of the acts of the SC;
  3. Informs the members of the General Assembly about the agenda, time, date and place of the meeting.

Art. 35. (1) The Secretariat shall be managed by the Secretary of the SC.

(2) The secretary of the SC must be a member of the General Assembly and is a member of the Management Board of the SC by law.

(3) The secretary shall be elected by the General Assembly on the proposal of the Chairman.

(4) The Secretary shall support the work of the Chairman and shall manage the administration of the SC.

Art. 36. (1) The powers of the secretary shall be terminated on the grounds, set out in art. 25.

(2) The powers of the secretary are:

  1. Controls and is responsible for the collection, storage and protection of all SC documentation;
  2. Keeps the reports of all meetings of the General Meeting and the Management Board;
  3. Disseminates the necessary materials and information for the normal functioning of the work of the meetings;
  4. Prepares and signs reports along with the Chairman of the meetings;
  5. He/She is responsible for the preparation of business trip documents;
  6. Stores the seal of the SC;
  7. Reports on its activities to the Management Board;
  8. Provides the necessary documents on request by the coordinators of the Commissions or the competent bodies of "Paisii Hilendarski" University of Plovdiv.

Art. 37. (1) The shorthand-typists shall keep the records of the meetings of the General Assembly and the Management Board and shall be by law members of the secretariat.

(2) The shorthand-typists may be doctoral students and students who are not members of the General Assembly of the SC. Within three days from the end of the meeting the shorthand-typists shall forward the originals of the record to the secretary for signing and stamping.

(3) The records of the meetings of the bodies of the SC shall be kept by the secretary of the SC, and copies of these minutes shall be submitted for storage in the relevant body.

(4) The Secretary shall be obliged after the expiration of the mandate to submit all the necessary information to the new Secretary.


Chapter 7. Cashier


Art. 38. (1) The cashier shall be a subsidiary body of the SC, which shall take care of the cash, which the SC has at its disposal.

(2) The cashier shall be elected by a simple majority of the General Assembly of the SC.

(3) The term of office of the cashier shall be 2 years, and he/she may be re-elected for a maximum of one more term.

Art. 39. The powers of the cashier are:

  1. Controls and organizes the financial resources of the SC, keeping the necessary documents.
  2. The cashier is obliged to report on the financial situation of the SC at any change, but not less than once a month.
  3. The cashier is obliged to keep the documents available for inspection by each member of the SC.
  4. Payments are made only with the signature of the Chairman of the SC and the cashier.


Chapter 8. Supervisory Board



Art. 40. (1) The Supervisory Board (SB) shall be a permanent body at the SC composed of one coordinator and two members.

(2) The coordinator of the SB is obligatorily a member of the SC.

(3) The coordinator and the members of the SB shall be elected by the General Assembly.

(4) The powers of the Supervisory Board are:

  1. Carries out routine control over the activity of the executive bodies;
  2. Where it is found a a violation, notify the General Assembly;
  1. In the case under item 2, the Supervisory Board has the right to convene an extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly;
  1. Exercises control over the financial activity and the archive of the SC;
  1. Pronounced in case of referral for violation of the rules of the SC;
  1. Pronounced on decisions in conflict with the rules, preparing a report and submitting it to the next meeting of the General Assembly;
  2. In case of disputable issues, the General Assembly of the SC shall decide on the dispute by voting, after hearing both parties to the dispute. The decision of the General Assembly is final and compulsory on the SC bodies.
  3. Checks the regularity of the records kept by the commissions and the General Assembly.



Chapter 9. Commissions



Art. 41. (1) For facilitation and support of its activity SC shall establish commissions.

(2) The commissions shall be temporary and permanent.

Art. 42. (1) The temporary commissions shall be:

  1. "Scholarships and dormitories"
  1. "Information and technical service"
  1. “Educational, research, project and international cooperation”
  2. “Public relations, cultural and social activities”
  3. "Legal and administrative matters, complaints and proposals"
  4. “Sports”

(2) Temporary commissions on specific issues shall be appointed by the Management Board of the SC.

(3) Coordinators of the commissions "Sport", "Public relations, cultural and social activities" and of the temporary commissions may not be members of SC.

Art. 43. (1) The commissions shall be composed of a coordinator and members.

(2) The coordinators of the commissions: "Scholarships and dormitories", "Information and technical service", "Educational, research, project and international cooperation", "Legal and administrative issues, complaints and proposals", must be members of the General Assembly of the SC.

(3) The coordinators of the commissions shall determine the internal rules and the order for activity of the commissions through regulations for the activity of the commissions, which shall be approved by the Chairman of the SC by signing them.

(4) The Vice-chairmen by law shall be coordinators of the commissions:

"Scholarships and dormitories", "Information and technical service",

"Educational, research, design and international cooperation".

(5) The coordinators of the permanent commissions shall be obliged after the expiration of their mandate to submit all the necessary information to the new coordinators.

Art. 44. (1) The number of the members of the commissions shall be determined by the General Assembly of SC - members of the commissions may also be students and doctoral students, who are not members of the General Assembly of SC.



Section 4. Faculty Student Council



Art. 45. (1) The Faculty Student Council (FSC) is a subsidiary body of the Student Council (SC), being established as a substructural unit for protection of the common interests of the students at each faculty, on the basis of art. 73., para 1, item 5 of the Higher Education Act.

(2) The Faculty Student Council at the relevant faculty:

  1. Organizes the election of its representatives in the management bodies of the relevant faculty;
  1. Makes proposals for the introduction of additional subjects;
  2. Мakes proposals for inviting external lecturers;
  3. Оrganizes the creation of scientific specialized student communities and the publication of their works;
  4. Еstablishes domestic and international educational, cultural and postgraduate contacts between students;
  5. Еxpresses an opinion and makes proposals for the development of sports activities in the relevant faculty;
  6. Carries out research, surveys and hearings on issues related to the interests of students;
  7. Coordinates the dissemination of information between the SC and the students in the relevant faculty;
  8. Coordinates at the faculty level general university activities of the SC;
  9. Assists in solving student problems at the faculty level;
  10. Performs other functions by decision of the General Assembly of the SC.

(3) The bodies of the Faculty Student Council are: General Assembly (GA), Chairman, Vice-chairman and Secretary.

(4) Students and doctoral students from the relevant faculty shall participate in the General Assembly (GA) of the FSC, who shall be nominated on a quota principle, determined in the Regulations for the structure and activity of the relevant FSC.

(5) Each Faculty Student Council shall prepare Regulations for its structure and activity, in which it shall regulates the matters not settled in these Regulations. These Regulations may not contain texts that would be contrary to the Higher Education Act, the Regulations for the structure and activity of "Paisii Hilendarski" University of Plovdiv and the Regulations for the structure and activity of the Student Council.

(6) The regulations under paragraph 4 shall be approved by the General Assembly of the relevant FSC and shall be approved by the Management Board of the Student Council.

Art. 46. ​​(1) FSC assists the Student Council at the faculty level in the activities under art. 73 of the Higher Education Act.

(2) In case of disputes between bodies of the Faculty Student Council, the issue shall be determined by the Management Board of the SC.

Art. 47. (1) The Chairman, the Vice-chairman and the Secretary shall be elected by the General Assembly of the FSC.

(2) The election shall be hold an open ballot, unless otherwise decided.

(3) The Chairman, the Vice-chairman and the Secretary shall be elected by a majority specified in the Regulations for the structure and activity of the relevant FSC.

(4) The term of office of the Chairman, the Vice-chairmen and the Secretary is 1 year.

They may be re-elected for a second term.

Art. 48. (1) The Faculty Student Council may establish temporary commissions.

(2) The structure and the activity of the commissions shall be determined in the Regulations for the structure and the activity of the relevant Faculty Student Council.

(3) The acts of the commissions shall be re-signed by the Chairman of the Faculty Student Council, who shall monitor their correctness.

(4) The Permanent and Temporary Commissions shall be managed and represented by a coordinator.




Section 5. Financing and material provisions



Art. 49. (1) The financing of SC shall be carried out through budget, as well as by legal acts of persons, favoring the student community.

(2) The funds for this budget shall be raised from:

  1. Part of the budget of "Paisii Hilendarski" University of Plovdiv in the amount of not less than 1% of the tuition fees on the grounds of art. 72, paragraph 5 of the Higher Education Act;
  1. Other monetary and non-monetary contributions, made by "Paisii Hilendarski" University of Plovdiv, Bulgarian and foreign organizations or third parties, to support the activities of the SC and implementation of joint projects;
  1. Donations from Bulgarian and foreign natural and legal persons in favor of the activities of the SC;
  1. Revenues from activities carried out within the competence of the SC;
  1. Copyright.

Art. 50. The material provisions of SC is carried out by "Paisii Hilendarski" University of Plovdiv through:

  1. Allocation of a comfortable and spacious room, with the necessary material and technical equipment to it;
  2. Own information boards in the different buildings of the university;
  3. By conducting free academic references by the SC.


Transitional and final provisions  

  • 1. These Regulations come into force with its adoption by the General Assembly of the SC and repeals the previous Regulations of the SC.
  • 2. (1) The Regulations for the structure and activity of the SC adopted by the SC shall be submitted to the Academic Council (AC).

(2) The Academic Council may object to the provisions, which contradict the Higher Education Act and the Regulations of  “Paisii Hilendarski” University of Plovdiv.

(3) The disputed provisions shall not be applied until the resolution of the dispute by the Minister of Education.

Last update 15 October 2021

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